Monday, October 27, 2008

A Love Song for Bobby Long

A Love Song for Bobby Long is a story about a girl, her late mothers friends and how they happen to stay in her home.

The climax is surprising and I was comparing the ending with that of the famous Malayalam movie "Patheyam". Both plots deal with a girl "discovering" her father! But how different are the impacts across the culture!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

December Boys

San Jose public library is very valuable for me. It helps me watch all those good english movies, which will never be available in the DVD libraries back in Trivandrum. Chocolat, Majestic and now December Boys!

December Boys is the story of four orphans, who gets a vacation as a birthday present. BTW, they are called December boys, because their birthday falls in december. They fight with each other when they realize that a couple is going to adopt one of them. It is such a wonderful story - never miss it!